The Future of Marketing:
Using Personalisation for Maximum Impact

Exclusive C-Suite Boardroom

23rd February 2023 (5:30 – 8:30 pm)

Address Dubai Marina, UAE

What is a C-Suite Boardroom?

It is an initiative by Martechvibe in association with Bloomreach.

An in-person boardroom edition specially designed to engage customer-experience and digital marketing leaders who have revolutionised companies using technology as a catalyst. The meeting focuses on a group of carefully selected industry stalwarts, bringing them together to participate in an exclusive and closed-door session.

The selected professionals bring a variety of viewpoints, experiences, and domain expertise, but they all share the vision of transforming businesses by enhancing the customer experience while utilising technology and new digital methods.The boardroom encourages frank discussions amongst peers resulting in a better strategy roadmap for organisations. In the age of building peer-exchange resources, these boardrooms form a community of like-minded business leaders to explore insights, ideas and best practices.

About this Edition

Personalization has become a key strategy for brands looking to connect with their target audience and increase engagement and conversion rates. However, it is important for brands to use personalization in a way that is effective without being too intrusive or violating consumer privacy.

One way to achieve this balance is by using personalization as a loyalty tool. By gathering data on consumer preferences and behavior, brands can create targeted loyalty campaigns that offer personalized rewards and incentives. An example of this is when a brand uses a customer’s purchase history to offer customized discounts or product recommendations to them. Another approach is to give consumers more control over the personalization process by offering opt-in options for data collection and allowing them to adjust their preferences at any time. Brands can also be transparent about how they use consumer data and make sure they are in compliance with data protection regulations.

Overall, the key to using personalization effectively is to strike a balance between relevance and respect for consumer privacy. By devising loyalty campaigns around personalization, brands can engage their audience in a meaningful way while also building trust and loyalty. But the real question is – how do you, as a brand, go about doing it correctly? 

What is your biggest challenge when it comes to personalisation and how are you resolving it? Specific to the MENA region – how has the market evolved and where do you see it heading?

The answers to this are exactly what we discuss, in this boardroom edition.


05:30 pm  Welcome & Networking

06:20 pm  Welcome Address by Martechvibe

06:25 pm  Opening Remarks by Bloomreach

06:30 pm  Discussion Starts

07:20 pm  Outlook of the Leaders and Session Highlights

07:30 pm  End of discussion followed by Dinner & Networking

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